Formal Recruitment is a two-weekend process consisting of multiple rounds to meet all 8 of our Panhellenic sororities on Kent State's campus and ultimately join a chapter if a membership bid is accepted.

what is the process like?

Recruitment is a super easy process! Each potential new member is put into a group with other women going through recruitment along with a recruitment counselor (an active sorority member) to help support them through each weekend. 

  • Weekend 1:  Open House - learning general information about each sorority and their philanthropic values
    • Open House Rounds - Saturday September 15 & Sunday September 16
  • Weekend 2: Sisterhoodlearning more about what it is like to be apart of each chapter's sisterhood
    • Sisterhood Round - Friday September 21
  • Weekend 2: Preference - connecting to chapters on a deeper level, gaining insight on their values and rituals
    • Preference Round - Saturday September 22
  • Weekend 2: BID DAY! - chapters offer membership bids to potential new members, if accepted, the potential new member will run home to their chosen chapter for a bid day celebration with their new sisters!
    • Bid Day - Sunday September 23